
Many colleges are giving students more time to decide (The Daily Briefing)

Many colleges are giving students more time to decide (The Daily Briefing)

Nanci Tessier, Principal at Art & Science Group and a former enrollment manager at several institutions, delves into the influence of market positioning and its impact on institutions making their class, even when operating on an abnormal timeline.

The Politics of College Choice

The Politics of College Choice

As the election approaches, David Strauss, Principal at Art & Science Group, discusses findings from studentPOLL, and the need for institutions to remain attentive to the impact of political factors within the United States on students' decision-making processes.

Young students deciding on colleges weigh state politics in their decisions

Young students deciding on colleges weigh state politics in their decisions

NBC News references Art & Science Group’s studentPOLL, published in March 2023, while discussing the impact of state politics on high school seniors’ college decisions in 2024.

Ignore The Tuition Sticker Price: How To Uncover Your True Cost At Any College

Ignore The Tuition Sticker Price: How To Uncover Your True Cost At Any College

While introducing their latest college pricing tool and guidance on the revised FAFSA, Forbes references insights derived from the most recent studentPOLL conducted by the Art & Science Group which delves into students' perspectives on the financial considerations associated with their college selection process.

Most Public Flagships Are Booming. Why Are a Handful Flailing?

Most Public Flagships Are Booming. Why Are a Handful Flailing?

The Art & Science Group Principals—Craig Goebel, David Strauss, and Nanci Tessier—offer valuable insights into the dynamic tension between flourishing flagship campuses and those encountering challenges, including regional public institutions.

‘U.S. News’ Rankings Not the ‘Behemoth’ Perceived

‘U.S. News’ Rankings Not the ‘Behemoth’ Perceived

David Strauss, Principal of Art & Science Group, explores the evolving landscape of higher education rankings, highlighting that rankings may not have as dominant a role in students' college-selection process as one might assume while speaking with Inside Higher Ed about the firm’s new studentPOLL.

Regional Public Colleges Are Affordable — but Is That Enough to Draw Students?

Regional Public Colleges Are Affordable — but Is That Enough to Draw Students?

Craig Goebel and David Strauss, Principals of Art & Science Group, discuss with The Chronicle of Higher Education findings from the firm’s most recent issue of studentPOLL on Regional Publics’ increasing need to emphasize their strengths outside of price.

Competition for Students Presents ‘Fraught’ Route Forward

Competition for Students Presents ‘Fraught’ Route Forward

David Strauss, Principal, speaks with Inside Higher Ed on how potential students perceive regional public colleges in comparison to national public universities, liberal arts colleges, and private research universities that are actively seeking to enroll these students.